it looks like a silly fish. i think you should click it?
a silly fish smiling beautifully. it looks as if it were drawn in microsoft paint. although, your intuition says it was actually made in photoshop!

silly fish
this is one silly fish! often found near
the surface, these fish are generally
considered stupid, a bit dumb, and not
very bright.

as such, humans generally leave these
guys alone. some silly fish enthusiasts
insist that these things are actually
super chill and misunderstood.

note: not to be confused with the
ever-popular fish of whimsy

possibly a puffer fish. click it?
it is a poopa! this creature isn't from this world but it does happen to look exactly like a pufferfish.

this thing is called a poopa. and it is from
maplestory. so you know it is already
automatically freaking awesome coded.

they are known to be somewhat hostile to
those swimming near the surface, but
they really aren't much of a pushover

maybe a little scary but like everything
else here, really just a cute guy

a forboding energy comes from this one.
it's cirno the strongest ice fairy! why is she here?

this is cirno, the ice fairy. somehow she
has found herself amongst the aquatic
life residing in this body of water...
is it an ocean? it's probably an ocean.

in any case, cirno is probably the
strongest fairy. not only this, she is also
possibly the smartest fairy. she
understands math to the point of adding
and subtracting fractions. which is neat.
think about it. she's probably the only
in this water that can do arithmetic!

maybe a tuna... click it.
this is a bluefin tuna, straight up from the real world.

bluefin tuna
this is a bluefin tuna. this is just a real
fish. apparently if they stop swimming,
they freaking DIE.

that is a CRAZY existence if you
think about it. you probably don't have
to think about it for very long, too. like,
yeah. i die if i dont swim. whose cruel,
cruel idea was this??

anyways this fish is also known for being
fished and being really big

this one seems scary. click it?
a very special shark from sweden

this is a shark. yes it is a REAL SHARK.
it is the cutest.

actually it is quite a popular shark. in
many respects, this is the shark to do it
all. this shark is an icon.

the label says shark but if you are being
technical, you could call it blÄhaj! the
iconic and adorable blue shark plush toy
sold and manufactured by IKEA.
we love this little shark.